DativusKLIKK 10.50
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198 MB

DativusKLIKK 10.50

With the help of Dativus KLiKK words can be translated by a single click
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Dativus Translator Kft.
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
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198 MB

DativusKLIKK 8.4 is an English-Hungarian / Hungarian-English dictionary.
In order to be able to use DativusKLIKK 8.4, you must provide a "Black Code". The demo version has this black code in the file "Fekete kód.txt" (unfortunately, that file is in Hungarian). With this code, you can use DativusKLIKK for 30 days, in order to keep using it, you will have to register, and they will give you a "Green Code".

The program can be installed in English or Hungarian.

Once installed, the program will put two icons in the system tray. The first one will be for Dativus KLIKK (the pop-up dictionary) and the second one will be for the Dativus Translation Engine. Right-clicking over them will allow you to enable/disable the programs, fine-tune the settings and see the "Abou" dialog.

When you open DativusKLIKK you can enter a word in English or Hungarian in the input box, and translate it to the other language.

In the window on the bottom of the screen the program will show you the word in the original language, its classification (adverb, interjection, noun, proper name,, etc.) and the meaning in the target language.

Senior editor
Daniel Ángel Romero
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • It´s a quick way to translate words from Hungarian to English and vice versa


  • None

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best hungarian-english translator

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